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电话: +86-755-86185500---5077
姓名: Emma Wang
Hampoo company

  Hampoo, a professional global one-stop PCB design and electronic manufacturing services provider. We are dedicated to PCB design(PCB design &PCB library &Schematic symbol creation), manufacturing service(PCB Fabrication &Parts sourcing &PCB assembly) and value-added services(Signal integrity &EMC solutions &Power integrity &Thermal Analysis) ,we serve around 3000 customers in the world including Intel , GE, Freescale, NXP, Marvell, Ericsson, Motorola,HuaWei and etc. We have strong technical back ground and complete after sales service, we hope to work with the friends all over the world and open the market together, our aim is quality first and enjoy high reputation. If you are intereste...

主要产品/业务: PCB Design+ PCB Fab+ Parts purchasing + PCB Assembling

Hampoo company / 广东 / susan_sz0416@ *域名隐藏* ( ) / 电话:+86-755-86185500---5077

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